Weekly Email Newsletters for Creators, Entrepreneurs, and Thought Leaders.

You did the work. You created hundreds of pieces of content. But what’s your hard work doing now? What if you had a team of experienced professionals to remix your content into a high-converting weekly email newsletter?

That’s what Automatic Evergreen does for you

<aside> 💌 Writing a weekly email newsletter is the most profitable yet under-utilized tool a creator has. Even if your main content isn't writing focused, e.g. YouTube, you can generate massive revenue w/ a newsletter. Here’s how to start minting email gold.


What you’ll get as an Automatic Evergreen client

✨ A high-quality email newsletter each week 👩‍💻 Trained researchers, writers, editors, and technicians 💰 Product sales and sponsorship packages 📞 What do we need from you? Just one call every 3 months.

<aside> ☎️ Ready to book a call with our Founder, Matt Ragland? Click here to schedule!


The Benefits of Weekly Emails

❤️ Build trust w/ your audience 👩‍🏫 Deliver consistent value 📊 Instantly improve product sales 💰 Sell more slots to sponsors

Automatic Evergreen Process ⚙️

🔎 Build content database 🗓️ Develop monthly themes ✍️ Write weekly newsletter 👀 You review two weeks before sending 💰 We add sales & sponsor copy 📧 Upload & send in ESP

Your Automatic Evergreen Process ✅

🔑  Share access to platforms and content 👋  1 hour Onboarding call to build process 📆  1 call every 3 months to select new themes 📊  Total hours per year = 6 hours to get 52 quality newsletters

If you've spent YEARS writing, filming, and recording content, we will give it new life as weekly newsletters. It's not repurposing, it's remixing your best work into new content to engage your subscribers & sell more products. The emails sound like you because they are you. Each message is sourced from valuable lessons you’ve recorded and written in the past.

Every month we research your content archive to pull relevant pieces based on the monthly theme. From those past essays, videos, podcasts, books, and courses we create a fresh re-telling of the core lessons and use it to promote your products.

<aside> 💡 Imagine: if you work with Automatic Evergreen, you can reap the benefits of a weekly newsletter (trust, sales, and engagement) with less than a day of total effort per year.


Automatic Evergreen Works Best For…

Active Creators who haven’t started—or have trouble sticking—to a weekly email newsletter.

If you’re making content on YouTube, a podcast, or even writing without an email list, Automatic Evergreen 💰🌲 is a perfect fit for you. Even if you’ve started an email list but send inconsistently, we immediately put you on a weekly cadence of quality content.

Cathryn Lavery of Little Might

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I’ve created hundreds of pieces of productivity content as the Founder of Best Self. Blog posts, podcasts, YouTube videos, and internal training; I’ve done it all!

Except send a weekly newsletter.

The Automatic Evergreen 💰🌲 team took my scattered content and turned it into a regular newsletter that my subscribers love. Even better, I literally don’t think about it. After setup and onboarding they take care of every step of the process. It’s totally hands-off for me and the results are fantastic.

Creators who have moved on to different topics, a new business, or a different stage of life.

If you’ve spent years making content on a topic but no longer focus on it, we will give your content new life through email newsletters. We can also develop evergreen promotions for your products so the money keeps coming in week after week!

Tim Grahl of Book Launch


I’ve helped market and launch several best-selling books, including Ramit Sethi, Pamela Slim, and Dan Pink. I started Book Launch to show aspiring authors how to do the same.

I used the success of Book Launch to fund the launch of Story Grid. But as I worked more on Story Grid the less attention Book Launch received… and sales declined. The Automatic Evergreen 💰🌲 team revived Book Launch and boosted sales 40%! This gave me the security and confidence I needed to go all-in on Story Grid.

New Content Option: Expert Interviews → Newsletters & Videos

<aside> 🎙️ Best for: Experts and Executives who have a social/email following (or want to build one) but don’t have a content archive to use as source material.


If you have a following on social media or existing email list but do not have past content to use as source material, we can still work together.

Each month we meet for one hour and interview you on a topic you’re an expert on.

From that interview we create four newsletters between 500-700 words each and schedule in your email provider (after the review period is complete).


💌 **Read Khe’s “interview” emails** 👀

You could do this all on your own, or hire a team of contractors, but you’ll need to acquire or manage these skills and tasks.

🔎 Researcher ✍️ Copywriter ✂️ Copyeditor 🧑‍💻 Email Technician 🤖 Automation Specialist 🚀 Launch Builder 💰 Sponsorship Sales and manage it all! Or hire us 😉