An Intentional Rite of Passage for Modern Men

You're a man who feels change is coming and steps into growth. You feel something is off but can’t quite define it. An ancient, almost primal call to step into your power while making room for others. No matter your past successes or failures, every man is called to their own unique nature.

But deep down you’re stuck and unsure about what it means to be a “real” man. A lack of confidence in a masculine center leads to swings between passivity and aggression.

The majority of men never received an intentional rite of passage, and that's a big problem for your family, community, and professional life. Every man deals with a subconscious wound, and if you haven’t learned to transform your pain it’s transmitted to your family, friends, and coworkers.

Leading Male Initiation & Growth

Men have been missing intentional rites of passage for generations, and it leads to a lack of confidence, centering, and place in the world. But the process can begin in just a few days of guidance.

Connect with your Sacred Masculinity

Masculine power is a necessary force in the world, but it's been misused and misinterpreted for decades. But there is a way to claim your power and still have space for others to thrive.

Push your Limits through Adventure

Men are called out of the safe spaces and into adventure. Traditionally this has been done in nature, and through adventure you'll learn how to navigate the many challenges you're called to each day.

Meet Your Guides

Dan Davis

Guiding men through initiation and growth is my life's work. After 27 years on Camp Rockmont's leadership team I am extending my work to help men into their second half of life. When life becomes less about you and more about your legacy, an important shift happens in your mind and soul.

I’m partnering with Wild Wisdom to give men a space to experience their masculine energy in a life-giving adventure. I'd love to have you on the journey with us!

Matt Ragland

After 12 years on staff at Camp Rockmont, I thought I had all this male development stuff figured out. But when my business failed and I ran out of money, the real lessons emerged.

I had only activated one element of masculinity in my youth (the Warrior) and lacked the fullness of an initiated man.

The process is never over (that’s good news) but I’m consciously living the hero’s journey each day - I want to help you do the same.

The Wild Wisdom Path

The 4 Male Archetypes and Covenants are a modern interpretation of generations of male initiatory practice. They give you tools and techniques to use in different phases of life and areas your family, coworkers, and community need you to serve in.

The important thing to know is that all the archetypes are necessary to initiate men in their fullness. If a man is missing one he cannot develop into a balanced "King", balancing the other 3 archetypes to bring prosperity and peace to his home, work, and community.

4 Archetypes

Used in Men's rites and rituals for decades.

4 Covenants

WWA's unique real-world integrations of the archetypes.

The Mountain

Since the dawn of the world nature has been an initiator of men. We travel the Appalachian Trail, allowing nature to teach us lessons only the wild can.

Expedition > Convention

Men thrive in the wild. Nature presents with lessons and opportunities for growth that can't be found in our man-made systems. The wild removes our titles, labels, and status symbols to show our lack of importance in the ancient story of the mountain. But it doesn't end there. In nature we see the dependence of the entire ecosystem on the smallest creatures and connections. We learn the duality of "not that important" while also being a vital part of the story.

You can only learn so much in the board room and convention center. Slick spaces designed to make you feel something without experiencing challenge, discomfort, or a sense of "this sucks". Life is hard but there's a way to allow the pain to transform your power. To realize you're more capable than you believed. Expedition living shows you that. We don't need to manufacture anything special. The wild does that all by itself.

Call to Adventure

Join us for the next Wild Wisdom Adventure from November 12-14, 2021 in Ozark Mountain, Arkansas. Only 10 spots available, by application only.

Apply Here

note: application is not a commitment, just a way for everyone to see if this trip is a good fit!


note: click the arrow to unroll answer

Price: $650 or two payments of $350

Basic Packing List


Friday, Nov 12th

Saturday, Nov 13th

Sunday, Nov 14th

<aside> 👀 Read the Wild Wisdom Dispatches
